Blog Up And Running

[linkstandalone] Hey there, so now my blog is finally up and running (upto the point where I wanted it to be as of now.) Its nothing too fancy, but it does the job hopefully. I will keep updating the blog and will keep adding more to it. Currently I think that a list of the most recent posts on the front page would be something cool to have. The blog is techincally just some HTML files that are updated by a small shell script named lb by luke smith ( Its a very simple setup which gets the job done, I keep the blog files on my computer and then when I like to post something new I use the lb shell script to create the new post which then is automatically appended to the blog's files by the lb script. Afterwards I add the edited files to the repository and commit it to the main branch to finally add the changes to my github pages website. I shall now port the contents of my older blog to this new blog on my own website.