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Who am I

Hi, I am Arjun. I live in Delhi, India. I am currently in that akward phase in life where you have begun college and havent figured out what to do. I am a student of Engineering..
My hobbies include but are not limited to:

What's the deal with this website ?

  • It's minimalist.
  • This website is how I choose to express myself in an internet dominated by high frequency social media where "clarity" is a non existant term
  • This page is my form of self expression in an internet where expression is a commodity constrained by 'alorgithms', megacorps, governments and NPCs.
  • This is my personal wepbage. As I have already stated, this webpage has been mantained by me as a form of self expression. I find the medium of a selfhosted webpage/blog/social media to be much superior to any propriteary social media (refer 1964 by George Orlando). While many people host and mantain such personal websites some being quite morden and some being straight out of the Y2K era, I try to keep a balanced approach.
    I dislike both ultra morden and Y2K era skithzo epilepsy triggering webpages. In my personal webpage I have tried to keep both the degsin languages in a balanced mix with the webpage having both retro and morden elements. Its neither Web 1.0, Web 2.0 or Web 3.0 its just a simple damned webpage and its freaking perfect. (refer motherfuckingwebsite.com)
    This is not best read on netflix navigator or whatever the hell it was named. Just use a decent new browser, this opens pretty well on my 2007 Acer laptop with Windows Vista.

    Who's got the time to open a bloody website just to see something random you posted ?

    Yes exactly, who's going to open a bloody website with a bootleg URL and a 2000s era degsin to read a post written by a nerd about some "bachpan ka joke" that kept him up all night.

    Thats why get updates from me on your own device of choice using my RSS feeds.
    Dont know what's RSS ? Read it here.
    (The aformentioned RSS is not that one where they wear khakhi shorts and play sports at local parks in the morning.)

  • Blog Feed [Well written blog posts.]
  • Updates Feed [Random Musings, Site Updates and odd ramblings.]